A Death Has Occurred
Including obituaries from our former locations Brenan's Bay View and Fitzpatrick's Funeral Home.
COVID-19 Post-Restrictions Policy
Updated: March 14, 2022
The Province of New Brunswick has announced that effective Monday, March 14, 2022 the provincial COVID-19 Mandatory Order will no longer be in effect and all related, provincially-mandated restrictions will be withdrawn. This means that there will no longer be a legal requirement for the wearing of masks or physical distancing among other things.
Like most New Brunswickers we are looking forward to a return to a more normal style and pace of life. However we also understand that while COVID precautions will no longer be a matter of law, each of us is entitled to make our own decisions with regard to how quickly we choose to move away from these practices in our own lives and workplaces. We know that many among us will continue to exercise caution and recognize that, particularly for those with children too young to qualify for vaccination and those in more vulnerable populations, there remains reason for concern over the virus.
It is always our intention that our facilities should be a place of safety and comfort for those who require our services and everyone who visits us, so, in keeping with that commitment, as of Monday, March 14, we will institute new safety protocols to help us all as we transition out of pandemic restrictions.
While we sincerely hope that we will continue along our current path to a safe and open society, we acknowledge that the pandemic is not yet over and set-backs can occur. Therefore, as we relax our current policies, we reserve the right to reimplement more stringent restrictions – with or without a provincial mandate – should outbreaks of the virus occur.
Beginning Monday, March 14:
- In our public common areas (entrances, hallways, washrooms) we will no longer require the wearing of masks although we will welcome and encourage their use by anyone who feels more comfortable that way. We will continue to have masks available for anyone who wants them.
- While physical distancing will no longer be a requirement in common areas, we will ask everyone visiting our facilities to be respectful of the needs of others and mindful that there are those who will wish to continue to avoid close contact and crowds. We will continue to encourage good hand hygiene and to provide hand sanitizer.
- To respect the needs of the families we are serving, we will allow them to choose for themselves the protocols that we will employ in private / family areas (parlours, Chapel, reception rooms). At the discretion of the family, masks and/or physical distancing requirements may be implemented in the areas they are occupying. As an example, we can post signs at the entrance to a visitation room stipulating that a mask is required to enter that room. Churches and cemeteries may set their own policies however, where a family requests tighter restrictions, we will communicate their wishes to the other venues and advise the family of the policies in place.
- We will reserve the right to implement traffic flow controls (designated entrances and exits) and capacity limits, to avoid over-crowding, at our discretion, if we deem it necessary.
- Our staff will continue to monitor themselves for symptoms of communicable disease and take appropriate precautions should they occur. Likewise we will continue to ask that those who are ill or showing symptoms stay away from the funeral home until they feel better.
- Finally, as always, we are grateful for your cooperation as we strive to keep everyone both safe and comfortable and ask that we all exercise consideration, patience and kindness as we come to terms with these changes and find our individual ways forward.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (Castle 634-1701 / Kennebecasis 849-2119 / Paradise Row 634-7424) or email: Info@CastleFH.ca